About the Vacuum Former :

Vacuum forming is a simplified version of thermoforming, where a sheet of plastic is heated to a forming temperature, stretched onto a single-surface mold, and forced against the mold by a vacuum. This process can be used to form plastic into permanent objects such as turnpike signs and protective covers. Normally draft angles are present in the design of the mold (a recommended minimum of 3°) to ease removal of the formed plastic part from the mold.

The most common and easiest to use thermoplastic is high impact polystyrene sheeting (HIPS). This is molded around a wood, structural foam or cast or machined aluminium mold, and can form to almost any shape. This high impact material is hygienic and capable of retaining heat and its shape when warm water is applied and is commonly used to package taste and odor sensitive products. Vacuum forming is also appropriate for transparent materials such as acrylic.

The Pratt School of Architecture Production Facilities have 2 vacuum form machines - one small format in the Laser Lab and one large format in the 3D Print Lab. These machines are available to all students and faculty in the Architecture program. The schedules and hours of operation for the Vacuum Formers coincide with the posted lab hours for the respective shops they are in.

Vacuum Form Resources

Formech 508FS

Machine Description Here:

Formech’s 508FS (Floor-Standing) machine offers significant advantages over the desktop series with pre-stretch, auto-level and a much more powerful flow rate for demanding applications.

Intuitive, graphically driven touch-screen control with memory function makes the 508FS very easy to use, whilst powerful forming capabilities provide extensive project versatility.

Machine Size:

18” x 20” with a stock height of 8”

Machine has several insert plates to adjust the effective size.

Machine Location:

Laser Lab - back left of the room


Formech 1372

Machine Description Here:

A popular choice for film and theater set designers, universities, automotive and aerospace R&D departments the 1372 offers a powerful combination of large forming area and wide forming capabilities at a very attractive price.

An extensive range of options including automation, heating, cooling, control and vacuum reservoir marks the 1372 as a highly versatile and adaptable machine.  A heating zone and control upgrade facilitates precise heating profiles suited to advanced engineering plastics.

Machine Size:

24.4” x 52.4” with a stock height of 14”

Machine has an insert plate to adjust the effective size to 24” x 24”.

Machine Location:

3D Print Lab - back left of the room


If you wish to vacuum form, please talk to one of the monitors in the respective shops.