About the CNC Lab :
Computer numerical control (CNC) is programmed code that represents instructions for precise movements to be carried out by machines. Indirectly, this code defines how to automatically create, produce, or transform a virtual object into a real one.
A CNC machine must interact with a computer equipped with software that transforms numerical code into Cartesian coordinates. This allows the machine to work with a high degree of precision, just like a robot. A CNC Milling machine transforms raw material into a finished model through different methods, by removing (subtractive) material.
The CNC Shop is available all students and faculty in the Architecture program. The Shop schedule and hours of operation are listed below and posted on the lab door. The Shop can be accessed by all students and faculty during the scheduled hours.
CNC Lab Hours:
Sunday - Thursday: 9am - 10pm
Friday - Saturday: 9am - 8pm
The CNC Lab is by appointment only - Please sign up using the “Submit to the CNC!” button below.
CNC Protocols for Use
4. Students must be present at the start of each operation and bit change.
5. Students are responsible for cleaning up after each cut.
6. CNC Lab will supply bits for FOAM only. Students must supply bits for other materials
7. CNC Lab is not responsible for storing materials
1. CNC Orientation is Required. This is a digital process and submission
2. Please Supply:
Online Cutting Checklist Submission
Stock Material and Bits (as needed)
NC Files, Shop Documentation + Rhino File (via ZIP thru online submission)
3. Students must resubmit if a revision is needed.
Submissions + Queue
You must submit to the CNC Lab before arriving to the shop! You will be prompted when it is your time for the CNC.
Use the button the the left to submit your Digital CNC Cutting Checklist. Use the button to the right to check the status of the CNC Queue.
Please name your files accordingly:
1 2 3 4 5
1. Operation Number 2. Bit to be used 3. Milling Operation Type 4. Material 5. Last Name
Files that are not named correctly will not be milled.
Click the button above to access the Google Drive for downloading any files.
Digital CNC Orientation! The CNC Orientation is a digital process - complete the orientation and submit your file, the monitor will review your Orientation status. No cutting needed! Digital Orientation must be completed before any files can be cut on the machines.
The CNC Lab has put together a variety of documents to aid you in your fabrication. In order to use the shop, you must be certified. The CNC Orientation is a basic introductory tutorial mean to ease you into everyday operations you may use on the machine. We have supplied a Rhino base file to get you started. In addition to these files, we have now added a CNC Appendix and a CNC Tool Library. The CNC Tool Library is a catalog of all the tool + material combos you may encounter using the shop. These tools have the Feeds and Speeds for that material embedded into the tool. The CNC Appendix is a document further detailing RhinoCAM operations as well as how to setup flip mills + site models.
Please note the CNC Tool Library was complete updated. Please re-download the tool library from above.
Techno LC 4896
Machine Description Here:
The Techno LC 4896 is the Architecture Production Facilities largest CNC machine. The machine has a hold down bed vacuum to secure stock pieces in place. The machine is also equipped with its own dust collection system to clean as much as possible during operation.
Great for larger pieces foam models and sheet materials - i.e. MDF and Plywood sheets.
Machine Size:
48”(x) x 96”(y) x 10*”(z) Total height achievable is dependent on geometry style, maximum straight edge vertical height is 4.5”
Supported Materials:
Foam, Hardwood, Softwood/Plywood, MDF, Cork, Acrylic, Hard Plastic
*Please consult the CNC team for any material not listed above
Bits Supported:
1/8”, 1/4”, 3/8”, and 1/2” shank diameters
Bits Available (FOAM ONLY):
1/4”, 3/8”, 1/2” in Overall Lengths of 3”, 4” and 6”
1/8” in Overall Length of 3”
Techno HD II 2136
Machine Description Here:
The Techno HDII 2136 is the smallest machine in the Architecture Production Facilities. The machine has a hold down bed vacuum to secure stock pieces in place. The machine is also equipped with its own dust collection system to clean as much as possible during operation.
Great for personal sized site models or intricate pieces.
Machine Size:
19.5”(x) x 30”(y) x 4”(z)
Supported Materials:
Foam, Hardwood, Softwood/Plywood, MDF, Cork, Acrylic, Hard Plastic
*Please consult the CNC team for any material not listed above
Bits Supported:
1/8”, 1/4”, 3/8”, and 1/2” shank diameters
Bits Available(FOAM ONLY):
1/4”, 3/8”, 1/2” in Overall Lengths of 3”, 4” and 6”
1/8” in Overall Length of 3”
armor 3024
Machine Description Here:
The ARMOR 3024 is the newest addition to the Architecture Production Facilities. The machine has a hold down bed vacuum to secure stock pieces in place. The machine is also equipped with its own dust collection system to clean as much as possible during operation.
Great for medium sized site models or intricate pieces.
Machine Size:
30”(x) x 24”(y) x 4”(z)
Supported Materials:
Foam, Hardwood, Softwood/Plywood, MDF, Cork, Acrylic, Hard Plastic
*Please consult the CNC team for any material not listed above
Bits Supported:
1/4”, 3/8”, and 1/2” shank diameters
Bits Available(FOAM ONLY):
1/4”, 3/8”, 1/2” in Overall Lengths of 3”, 4” and 6”
1/8” endmills are NOT supported on the ARMOR machine
Laminating Materials for CNC
Laminating materials for CNC use is very important for your safety, as well as the safety of the CNC machine. Follow the guidelines found HERE for the best practices in laminating materials. Video resources are also found in the Wood Shop page of the website. Please use the CNC + Wood Shop monitors as a resource for any questions.
Pi-FAB's Rod walk through a step by step process for proper wood material lamination.
Pi-FAB's Rod discusses and walks through each step of proper lamination of materials, including foam materials.
STYRO WARS! Styro Wars examines a variety of glue options for laminating foam.